We have rolled out our two-hundredth (200th!) software release to all Molecule customers. Huzzah!
You're probably familiar with the "500 error page" on webpages that aren't working. What you might not know is that there are many more http codes--and one that starts with a 2, means that all is right with the world.

As we look back on where we came from – from, literally, a PowerPoint presentation in a conference room on Montrose in 2012, to what CTRMCenter calls "widely known" in the industry, we can be nothing but proud of what we've built. We are committed to building our customers the best ETRM/CTRM system on the planet, and doing so with amazing usability, the latest technology, and frequent, free updates.
I am so incredibly proud of the amazing team that has made this, and the past two hundred releases of our software. When we founded Molecule, it was an idea based on the premise that enterprise software should be just as awesome to use as the apps on our phones. We also believed that this market segment was long overdue for 21st century technology. We were right, in more ways than we knew.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us along this journey. We look forward to release 300 in a couple of years. Our software will be so different (and even better) then–and we intend to celebrate appropriately, with Spartan-themed evening wear. (kidding!)
Here's a little preview of what's new in Molecule v200.
User-Customizable Reporting
Think Positions screen on steroids. Our new beta Valuations screen gives non-technical users access to the power of Molecule's open APIs - enabling them to sort, filter, pivot, and create multiple custom views that can be saved and refreshed throughout the day. This new feature will be available to existing customers at no additional cost.

Actualizations, Part Deux
Our new Actualization screen will make actualizing multiple physical deliveries of products much easier than was previously possible. This new feature will also be available at no additional cost.
Even Better Login, powered by Auth0
Molecule now supports two-factor authentication for all customers, as well as SAML-based Single Sign-on for Enterprise customers, at no additional cost. In the background is a giant set of security upgrades powered by Auth0, which helps Molecule stay at the cutting edge of cloud software security.