Using Spreadsheets to Handle Your Complex Power Portfolios? Here’s Why It’s Holding You Back
When datasets are large and complex, and one mistake can cost millions... why risk it?
How Much Does ETRM Software Cost in 2025?
A glimpse into how much an ETRM costs, what affects the price, and how Molecule compares to other energy trading risk management software.
10 Things You Need to Know Before Implementing a New ETRM Software System
Implementing new ETRM software is a big task. Here are the top 10 things you need to know to make the process smoother.
Molecule Places in the Top 10 of the Chartis Energy50 2024 Report
The Chartis Energy50 2024 Report is out! Get the latest insights on the future of ETRMs and see where Molecule ranked.
How Do ETRM Systems Handle Renewable Credit Management?
Discover how modern ETRM systems can manage renewable credits and offsets, inventory/position, reporting, and risk.
Molecule’s 2023 Q3 ETRM/CTRM and Team Updates
Stay up to date on our latest ETRM/CTRM features and updates, and discover what the Molecule team has been up to over the course of Q3.
How Automatic ETRM Platform Updates Save Time, Money, and Headaches
Why an ETRM platform that updates automatically makes sense compared to legacy solutions with costly (and annoying) manual updates.
Molecule Ranks in the Top 15 of the Chartis Energy50 List of Technology in the Energy Space
Learn what leading industry research has to say about the future of ETRM software and why Molecule ranks in the top 15 of Chartis' Energy50 list.
How Legacy ETRM Systems Stand in the Way of Digital Transformation
Discover how legacy ETRM systems can impede digital transformation and the signs that you're ready for a more modern, flexible solution.