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Case Study

Independent Power Producer (IPP)

“We had a shockingly  smooth integration, and the software is easy to use.”


  • Molecule’s web app has given the team flexibility to do their job anywhere, anytime so long as there is cell reception.
  • Molecule has saved each person an estimated 4-5 hours per week, which has improved employee morale.
  • The team values Molecule’s customer support saying that the responsiveness is incredibly helpful.
  • The company chose Molecule because of its data aggregation and analysis flexibility.

Life Before Molecule

This independent power producer (IPP) analyzes historical and forward-looking pricing data for a variety of regions across gas and power markets. They also perform analysis for M&A deals. The customer for these reports and analyses needs answers to questions quickly, and they may arise at any time of day or night.

Before Molecule, there were no processes for finding, aggregating, studying, and analyzing data. The team described this work as messy and time-consuming. Everyone would search individually for their own information.

The Decision to Make a Change

Over time, the complexity of questions that were being asked and the expected turnaround time grew increasingly demanding.

During an all-nighter, when trying to wrap up a report while a crucial webpage was down, it became apparent that they needed to find a different way of managing their data.

With their team’s industry experience, they were already familiar with available ETRM/CTRM solutions. They knew about options that were on-premise and very expensive - products directed toward large clients willing to pay for a lot of customization. In contrast, while the asset manager wanted flexibility, they didn’t need a lot of customization - they wanted something that would just work out of the box.

They almost changed their minds at the last minute when finalizing the contract to go with a legacy competitor.

They asked: “Nobody ever got fired for going with [competitor], right? Why should we not go with them?”

We replied: “(1) You’re wrong about not getting fired. (2) Stay in negotiations with them, and try us for a couple of months. By the time you have a final contract in front of you, we’ll be done implementing.”

Life With Molecule

They describe the process of getting set up with Molecule as “shockingly smooth.” Customization was limited to associations with managing their specific portfolio.

The biggest hurdle they faced was recognizing what ultimately flowed through the system, primarily an issue with data provider naming conventions.

Whenever they train a new employee on the system, the new team member is surprised by how easy Molecule is to use.

The team is made up of heavy spreadsheet users, so they have benefitted from fast Excel downloads of several files each day.

“I don’t know that there’s anything out there that can offer the ease of use and speed of use that Molecule does.”

Favorite Feature

Molecule’s customer support. They always get a response within minutes and appreciate working with people who demonstrate same work ethic as they do.

Results / Testimonial

“Molecule isn’t something I just use once a day. I use it two or three times a day at least six days a week.”
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