Energy Risk Management Solutions for IPPs

Trading power? From electricity to renewables, Molecule’s energy risk management software is built for it. Independent power producers (IPPs) rely on Molecule's intuitive, reliable ETRM software to get generation, production, complex deals, and hedges for power trading into a single, automated, consolidated view.

Energy… It’s Our Super-Power

IPPs love how easy and fast it is to capture their power trades, model anything, and get the reporting and insights they need to make informed decisions — without waiting hours.

Model Assets, Structured Deals, + Exotics

With Molecule, you can model virtually anything — in the system that can handle it best.

For every asset, structured deal, or exotic, Molecule can make a daily or on-demand call to a valuation model (yours, ours, or QuantLib's), or an external system or database. It stores a full suite of valuation and position information, and reports it alongside everything else in your portfolio.

View Granular-Level Power Positions

Get as detailed as you need on your power trade positions — from summary views to minute-by-minute granularity — using Elektra, Molecule’s power trading add-on.

Find out more about Elektra here.

Model Hedges

With Molecule, your power trades flow in instantly, through our built-in ICE, CME, Nodal Exchange, Trayport, and ISO connectors. Trading elsewhere? Use our spreadsheet upload, our API, or even better — our natural language recognition for OTC trades.

Market data comes your way automatically, using our out-of-the-box market data service.

See Your Combined Exposure, Automatically

Molecule produces rich custom reporting, with your input as to what it should contain. View it on-screen, have it emailed, or automatically generate tabular reports suitable for your users or customers. Reports are generated in near real-time — generating more time back to your day.

Integrations + Add-Ons That Power What You Trade

Molecule has more than 30 integrations out of the box with market data and trade data sources, FCMs, ERPs, BI tools, and more.

Ready to see it in action?

Great — we’re ready to show you! Reach out to get a demo of Molecule and see how it will simplify your trade risk management.

Trade Entry
Spreadsheet Examples
Market Data Screen
Morning Report
Power Position Report
Power Position Report
Power Position Report
Portfolio Reconciliation
Traceback Report
Get a Demo