The ETRM/CTRM Software Built with the Best Technology
Molecule is committed to creating the best ETRM/CTRM solution on the market, using
the best technology available.
Why We Open Source
The Best Technology Is Open Source
We believe much of the best software in the world is open-source, so we contribute to the community as well.
Transparency Brings Security
Since the code for the libraries we use is visible to us and the rest of the world, we can ensure its security.
Open Source Enables Quicker Solutions
Libraries exist for many more challenges than are addressed by programming languages' standard libraries — enabling us to address problems with greater agility.
Where We Contribute
We invite you to use our open-source contributions — and to join the conversation. Here is some of what we do:
CME STP Adapter
A service that connects to the CME's Straight Through Processing API to download trades in FIXML format, and returns easy-to-read, JSON-formatted trades.
Trading Holidays
A fork of tallgreentree holidays, with calendars for CME, ICE, PJM, and other energy-related entities.
Our add-on for power block price creation and conversion.
Kube Scheduler
A Kubernetes utility to run docker images on a cron schedule.
We also contribute to Kubernetes and Ember, among other open source projects.